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A few in game questions


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Honestly, some of my characters would deserve whatever Diavesque is planning...


I mentioned the tea parties? Well, as a young adolescent without a clique or a lot of friends (POWER comes first, after all), that poor book must have been a very unwilling participant to some awkward and/or weird conversations. And it had been stuffed in a bag alongside the Muffin so...if there is a Hell in Academagia, that book was in it.


I think the conversations would be fun to spy upon, though...


Are talking books a rarity or practically non-existent? Not necessarily sentient, like our resident Evil book there, but that can read their own pages or some such. I imagine it might be useful for those who can't read or can't see.

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What are some common ways of denoting nobility in surnames, if any?


Do creatures like rust monsters exist? And do they have a way of keeping them out of the school and out of the hands mischievous students?


What was the reasoning behind the colors for each of the pillars of magic? (Lore wise or game development wise.)


I don't think there's an update on their crests, but Icanyke was most famous for Gating in entirely new emotions/thoughts, which paralyzed/drove insane whole armies.


And now my Dark Lady in training has a new role model. Mwahahaha!

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What are some common ways of denoting nobility in surnames, if any?


As per Europe of the Late Renaissance/Early Reformation.


Do creatures like rust monsters exist? And do they have a way of keeping them out of the school and out of the hands mischievous students?


Yes, I imagine that they might, but would be very rare. Certainly, they would have been almost hunted to extinction. :)


What was the reasoning behind the colors for each of the pillars of magic? (Lore wise or game development wise.)


I know there is a lore reason, but I do not know what it is myself. I'll have to ask!

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Incidentally, how useful will Dovahkiin be in this world?wink.gif

I'd imagine people might be just a little bit wary of the whole "human born with the blood and soul of a dragon" thing, ultimate dragon slayer or no.



Are there floating islands that are just to far up in the sky for people to reach? If so, what kinds of mythology surround them? If not, how would someone go about reaching an island that was, say, floating above the current Volnauge wood height (if there were any)?

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"Is there a way that I can send my Familiar in year 2 to the Esteban Contu’s School of Incantation so he/she can learn incantation magic? "


I can just imagine your Familiar showing up with a coin purse and a lunch box. :)


The School is only for mages, alas, but it would be hilarious if he opened up an annex campus, just for Familiars. ;)


Glyn- no, all islands are reachable. Some are high enough to be difficult for anything but specialized ships to reach, and so have dramatically less contact with the outside world, though. These places are regarded as idyllic, if barbaric.

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No answer on the Dovahkiin? I spell a conspiracy!


Can we move islands? Small ones, if not large. And are there some sort of bridges that connect one island to another so that there is no need for ships?


How about public transportation? There's carriages, but, can they go freely in the streets of Mineta? Could horses? And are there special carriages that work as buses or tiny boats that can take you from one side of the island to another? Not large distances but faster than one would cross on foot.

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Hey now, everybody wants to be able to speak Draconic. :)


Moving islands is possible, and some smaller ones have a tendency to wander. They don't stay long in any one place, though.


There are bridges, of which the Wall is perhaps the most famous. The second most famous would be the cloud road in Staade, which is a railroad which travels between islands.


Carriages may only travel on certain roads, but horses are allowed most everywhere. There aren't organized forms of mass transit in the upper city, but there are in the lower city.

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About the Draconic language.. I remember reading that any books of such are locked up separately. Is this due to stigma, danger of some sort, or possibility of certain proscribed magics being held therein?

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Legate. I'm now redoing a character. Time will tell how it turns out, but in the meantime, I'm doing the Oan tutorial adventure.


After really reading it, Oan puts two Mirabiltis phemes together and says she cast "glow of victory". Yet though through this adventure, I've unlocked both of them, the description of the spell itself says it requires the "Zenith" and "Modus Operandi" phemes.


That seems a contradiction to me. Also, I noticed that the game treats "Modus Operandi" as a Mastery pheme. Tell me Oan isn't....?

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*blink* did I really miss that? for such a long time... Well, to be fair, it was late (or was it early?), and it isn't a particularly useful spell...


Actually, I say I was cursed, or maybe mastered, yeah, that sounds good. I was mastered to not pay attention to the exact phemes. So there!

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Can we use games saved under the curent DLC 14 in year 2? I know that the Legate couldn't use my games I send for bug testing because the date/time format is different depending on the local computer settings.


I would love to use this extrem powerfull char I just finished in year 2 ^^ , sure he don't come close to Carakav's char at last from the Attributes but having a Bat that probably would do bether in the Incantation exam then many students (all SS at 10) and some Skills/SS above 15 at the Char is still good.

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If you're casting a spell on another person, do they have to be insight or does it depend on that particular spell? If sight isn't necessary, how else do you target a person?


Could one of the regions (?) of Elumia decide to legalize, say, Gates magic?


In Year 2, how is the create a new student via transfer student going to work?


Is when a person on trial says "someone else forced me to commit heinous acts with Mastery through Mastery" when the truth spells come out?


Does Elumia have large storms like hurricanes? Tornadoes? Ice storms?


What exactly is thought of the people who first learned magic (from dragons)? Who, if known, is credited with the discovery of Astrology? (And is the proper term Astrologist or Astrologer?)

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If you're casting a spell on another person, do they have to be insight or does it depend on that particular spell? If sight isn't necessary, how else do you target a person?


Usually, you must have them in sight, but there are various magical links which can allow you to cast from a distance.


Could one of the regions (?) of Elumia decide to legalize, say, Gates magic?


Sure. There would probably be a war over it, but...;)


In Year 2, how is the create a new student via transfer student going to work?


We're not 100% sure. It's probably going to be a template system, which you can tweak.


Is when a person on trial says "someone else forced me to commit heinous acts with Mastery through Mastery" when the truth spells come out?


Generally, it depends on the crime. If someone says something like that, it might be checked, though.


Does Elumia have large storms like hurricanes? Tornadoes? Ice storms?


Yes, but not really tornadoes.


What exactly is thought of the people who first learned magic (from dragons)? Who, if known, is credited with the discovery of Astrology? (And is the proper term Astrologist or Astrologer?)


They are thought to be the wisest of the slaves. Astrology was taught to Mankind by the Old Gods. I believe Astrologer is used. :)

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