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I realy hope we get something like:

"Have to stay in Mineta on own cost!" as a posible negative Point Background choise for year 2.

Reason for this could be that player have broken with his parents, there no parents at all any more or there is simply no way to get back home and back in reasonable time.

(Like in my RPG where the Ship that usual fly this route ever 7-14 days is gone missing)


A background like this probably realy helps to convert some 1st year chars more easy to year 2.

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I dont know if the "Student Adventure Caspar Pfeuffer" was reworked after the ModBase 3 but if not it looks like a adventure chain that is not touched after 1.0 of the game.

Steps 1-3 read like they sould be played in one go and not break after each step.

Also I didn't spot any Attribute reward when I was looking trough this Adventure in the Modtool.

(I curent search for a max 5 day Adventure for my RPG ^^ and sadly this one is to long)


Edit: Can you make some min. Standing Requirment to Alan Driscol for "Sky Pirates 01"?

I doubt Alan would suggest the char if the relationship with him his <=0 or even if he does this reference would not be viewed positve from the char.

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I just got repriemnded for skipping class on the same day as I was in the infirmary. That's just evil.


Also Reminder Sheet: I had Sleuthing at 6. I used Efficient Research(+2), Reminder Sheet(+2) and Mathematical Acuity(both skills targeted at Sleuthing +6) The end result is 14 and the skill popup notes the +6 from the spell and the +2 from Eff Research, but nothing about the Sheet.


Edit: just noticed that i used the Reminder Sheet from the items menu not the Abilities menu. Both are possible and the items one seems to be broken.

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Thanks- as it turns out, we were able to replicate with Cymrean's help. :)




Both are reasonable suggestions for review- we'll look at these in 13.




You are definitely right: the infamous Infirmary Reprimand *is* evil. It's not strictly intended, either, but at this time it's a limitation of the engine. :(


For Reminder Sheet, We've seen that Item issue off and on- it's generally best to use from the Ability menu. We plan to look at it, but I can't say when yet.



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Just a thought of connecting adventures. If you take Revision adventure that was added in DLC 11 I believe, the one with Rui (with help from Jere and two upperclassmen) and you trying to stop some pranks done by Morvidus students, you end up getting involved in the Prank Society- while not an official member, you know at least the names and faces of a few of them, as well at least one of their hideouts.


Then, in Cosetta Re's adventure, you're trying to infilitrate the prank society because Cosetta Does Not Approve.


Could there be an oppertunity for a double cross in both directions? One where you tell Rui and friends that Cosetta is attempting an infilitration, support her in the water prank and then let her have join the society but with advice to only let her see the faces of well, those she already suspects- Rui, Emilia, Jere and maybe one upperclassman, then go along with her when it comes to the portrait prank but do a doublecross there that means *she* gets brutally caught for her sabatogue. This would probably completely ruin your adventure with Cosetta for forever and a day, of course, but might allow your character to become a full member.


The other opertunity would be more simple, and staying with Cosetta- you inform her that thanks to a request of Professor A, you know some society members, and then you yourself go deeper while she can remain completely clean (meaning you take the fall for the water experiment), and then *she* leads all the revenge prospects... while you remain as divorced for them as possible, just feeding her names and ideas, which would allow her to take out even more members without her ever joining the society and thus it being extremely hard to suspect her as going after prank society people rather then 'people she doesn't like who just happen to unfortunately be prank society members' (bonus for allowing her to put a fairly minor, but still GASP! HORROR! REPREMENDS! prank on you yourself, so you two would really never be suspected).



...That seems more complicated now that I'm writing it out. Hm. But it was an idea.

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Yust haved some Ideas that depending how you handle year 2 are suggestions for year 2 or suggestions how things can handled in year 3 or later.


First idea, how about the special actions like apprenticeship or part time study at a other academy are needed to get past certain limits or at last make it easyer.

Alternativly they are the only way to train some specialisations.


Then how about distance study at a other Academy (i.E. at one of the new Engineering) this would mean you can use the actions to learn for them freely when you have time but there also some fixed times when you have to make exam for them.


I also would love to see private teaching where you have to pay for your teacher have theyr place.


But most important the general Teachings (like Sphinx) need to have theyr limits past them its hard/imposible to use them to advance more.

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Because the Exotic Familar picking for 2 points is still not in the game and maybe not comming at all :(.

A alternativ way would be spliting the Exotic Familiar Random list in maybe 3-4 lists, so the player get at last a bit control over what kind of Familiar he get.


I already posted one posible way for spliting this list here at post 5



Sky Pirates 03 I think a exit where the player deciper the map him self would be great here.

I just think someone who managed to read the map Orso gave him in the Main quest should maybe be able to handle this map also. ;)

(i.e. put part of the text about the Cartographer from Main text into a Investigation required for the curent exits and add a new Cartography exit for the player)


At the end of the Adventure Sky Pirats my Char feels kind of ceated because the complet treasue is just wort 1200 pims is even less then nearly any combination of two items he have equiped.

Even the money he have at his hand is much more then this summ. Was it even wort to rent a skyship for a day to gain this treasure?

OK for a adventure that just takes 3 slots a reward of total over 700 pims (without having Pirats as enemy) is surly not bad but its for sure no Huge Treasure where you can daydream how to spend this money. There are just to many items with a price tag over 900 pims.


For the pirats it would be much more lucrative (probably around the factor of 10) to rob my char then going for this treasure. ;)


I realy hope in year 2 the team get a bether balance to the whole economy and maybe share with the player the cost of regular living that should be the base for such calculations.

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One of the biggest bugaboos I have with the game is how when you max a skill, all subsequent actions that would normally cause the skill to gain a step are void, they are wasted. It would make the game much more satisfying if such skill steps were instead of being lost, applied to the corresponding 'research' for that skill.

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Thanks for those notes- we'll look at them in 13 (and Year 2!). Specific to the comment on Familars, we read that with interest, as breaking them into themes might be overall better.




Several Academagians have requested that Feedback addition, and I believe we will complete it in Year 1. No ETA yet, though. :)




We approach this a bit differently in Year 2, as you will see, but that system is an engine limitation of Year 1, unfortunately. Still, great suggestion!

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Also Reminder Sheet: I had Sleuthing at 6. I used Efficient Research(+2), Reminder Sheet(+2) and Mathematical Acuity(both skills targeted at Sleuthing +6) The end result is 14 and the skill popup notes the +6 from the spell and the +2 from Eff Research, but nothing about the Sheet.


Edit: just noticed that i used the Reminder Sheet from the items menu not the Abilities menu. Both are possible and the items one seems to be broken.


I used it both ways and no skill went up, but then I read the description. While the flavor text says: "the effect will last 2 weeks" below in the attributes Duration is listed as 1. Probably the bonus just goes away right after the action ends. Which I would call a bug.

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Again about the Sky Pirat Adventure Reward The Jewel from the golem what guarding this treasure is 800 pims wort so its even more strange that he just guard a treasure wort 1200 pims.

I suspect the intact guardian would be much more expensive then the treasure he guarded.


Edit: As nice as it is to have the Adventure The Unfamiliar Familiar force started but wouldn't it be bether to force start it on the real first school day not at the start of the game?

It comes kind of strange when your not even realy arived at the Academy and then have a adventure taking place in class and I think it sould be no real problem to start it 2 days later.

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I know but I think I can live more with having the Familar already displayed for 2 days bevore gaining him in the Adventure then having a adventure that tell you that you haved regulare class at Academagia bevore Juvenalia.


How about:


Game Start:

near the gate of the Academagia a strange looking animal hide behind you from what looks like a fox but the animal didnt wait for you to react and instead vanished betwean the nearest houses.

And then at the 1. school day the player spot it in the backpack and rember that he have spoted it from time to time in the last days near him.

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