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A few in game questions


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Urks the other way around? Then unless it get full out of hand I think Leo Massioti would tell the target to learn by them self how to handle it. Its more likely a professor would help the target then the Regent. After all if they follow the path of fame as he expect from his students such things will be a daily event for them and so they better learn early how to handle or live with it.

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Oh come on! This is like a reversal. Are you just waiting for me to reveal this scenario in one of my chapters? Just as I am waiting for information about this type of situation.

Okay. How about foreign cuisine? Is there a cuisine enjoyed more by the nobility than others? Sorta like the commonly seen French cuisine as one of the more famous ones.

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Yeah but that is the spirit of inter-collegial competition ergo not bullying. From a certain point of view.

Looking back at your stalking question from this angle then it would be difficult to do anything against it! Because what is stalking?


1) Stalking is following a target around but isn't that just observing a competitor a perfect fine practice that should be encouraged?


2) The more extrem cases isn't that just bullying that is also perfect fine in the inter-collegial competition? Especial if you look at what Vettor do with his water magic! Isn't this water magic already sexual harassment combined with damaging or even destruction of countless library books, homework and study material?

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Looking back at your stalking question from this angle then it would be difficult to do anything against it! Because what is stalking?


1) Stalking is following a target around but isn't that just observing a competitor a perfect fine practice that should be encouraged?


2) The more extrem cases isn't that just bullying that is also perfect fine in the inter-collegial competition? Especial if you look at what Vettor do with his water magic! Isn't this water magic already sexual harassment combined with damaging or even destruction of countless library books, homework and study material?

Well I guess that is why it is up to the Regent of the College to handle the situation but knowing most of them, yeah its going to be unresolved. I can see this being a problem as the years go by especially as hormones start messing with people.

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Looking back at your stalking question from this angle then it would be difficult to do anything against it! Because what is stalking?


1) Stalking is following a target around but isn't that just observing a competitor a perfect fine practice that should be encouraged?


2) The more extrem cases isn't that just bullying that is also perfect fine in the inter-collegial competition? Especial if you look at what Vettor do with his water magic! Isn't this water magic already sexual harassment combined with damaging or even destruction of countless library books, homework and study material?


It probably does get significantly less pleasant as the students affected grow up and become more self-conscious. It is probably easier to wriggle out of bullying accusations if you are targeting big groups of people at once with pranks.


But then again, right now Academagia isn't in a modern society where bullying is universally decried - plus the rich and powerful can easily throw their weights around without being scrutinized like today.

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Looking back at my school days, and those of my parents, a certain degree of bullying/hazing/pranks/competition were considered desirable to teach resiliance and moral fortitude. There were unwritten rules on who should/should not be targetted (physical violence by a boy on a girl or someone crippled was a big no-no for example) what methods were acceptable (any sexual interplay was totally prohibited) and on how far it was acceptable for such rivalry to go, but 'mollycoddling' students by protecting them from any strife would be seen as causing more harm than good.


I suspect that each regent watches over their charges, and will try to encourage 'weaker' students to stand up for themselves (perhaps encouraging favoured students to help the weakling gain in self confidence and strength), or perhaps will encourage the weakling to leave the Academagia (since the rigours of magic study may be too much for them if they can't handle a 'little childish rivalry'), some less protective regents may even encourage students with potential to seek to dominate their fellows as part of learning to become 'strong'.

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Looking back at my school days, and those of my parents, a certain degree of bullying/hazing/pranks/competition were considered desirable to teach resiliance and moral fortitude. There were unwritten rules on who should/should not be targetted (physical violence by a boy on a girl or someone crippled was a big no-no for example) what methods were acceptable (any sexual interplay was totally prohibited) and on how far it was acceptable for such rivalry to go, but 'mollycoddling' students by protecting them from any strife would be seen as causing more harm than good.


I suspect that each regent watches over their charges, and will try to encourage 'weaker' students to stand up for themselves (perhaps encouraging favoured students to help the weakling gain in self confidence and strength), or perhaps will encourage the weakling to leave the Academagia (since the rigours of magic study may be too much for them if they can't handle a 'little childish rivalry'), some less protective regents may even encourage students with potential to seek to dominate their fellows as part of learning to become 'strong'.

I guess it would heavily depend on the personality of the Regent in question. At my old school, it all depended upon which class you were in. Advanced classes got more attention because they were the only classes that brought in money for the school so bullying accusations tend to be taken more seriously (Yeah can't lose a single dime). Everyone else was basically left to their own devices. Perhaps the only important thing to do is not get caught by the Security Guards and kill the other person on school grounds (Inner City schools with inner city problems).


I still want to know more about stalking in Academagia. Not the sneaky ones but the more obsessive creepy stalkers that don't have the courage to interact for several years.

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Sometimes its the lack of courage that lead to stalking but in a school of magic there many ways to fix that. But many times the reason of stalking is that the stalker want to possess the target and at a school of magic there many ways to actual get this done even with most of them illegal.

So I think the real obsessed stalker will earlier or later try their luck in some form of control magic and that's where the school easy can step in.

The less dangerous one will just try to find a way to increase their charisma and necessary social skills to god like level so they can't fail.

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