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Who was in your first clique?

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So I just bought the game when it came out on Steam, and stayed up playing it throughout the night. I was just curious about who people tend to include in their cliques, because mine was rather haphazard.


1) Zoe Melis- I formed The Fonts with her in the second or third week of school, and by the second month had a relationship of 10.

2) Durand de Thiomines- I managed to finally get him to join my clique after the Dance of Fools adventure.

3) Honors Plafox

4) Vettor Conta- I honestly have no idea how he managed to get into my clique. He was more of a "bully" to me then either Joanna or Philippe, which is saying something. At least it stopped the constant pranks he pulled.

5) Casper Pfeuffer- A last minute, end-of-year decision, but he was nice and constantly gossiped and used courteous gesture on MC

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My first clique included Cordelia Troublepot and, later, Durand de Thiomines. That was back during DLC 15 and when I actually made cross-college cliques. These days I don't, so my friends are only as frequent as my College.


Which is a real shame, because Zoe's Clique ability is really good.

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My first clique has Zoe and Durand, cause Zoe is good for studying and Durand cause of his Dance of Fool's Quest. My second character has them and Katja.


Now that I'm more of an Avila person (as opposed to Godina) I have Ana and Aaran.

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Usually what happens is someone befriends me and as a result I get into their clique. As far as who it was?


The very first time was Isabeau Glorieux (didn't mind that one) and the second one was Sigalis du Sonmeil (which completely caught me off guard, yeah we're both Hedi but her personality doesn't scream *I want to befriend someone!*...but having her in the clique meant Philip and Joana were less likely to bother me!)

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Ooh, what a shame a student was cut. I'd likee to hearr more about that if possible.


I'm sure I was befriended in my first clique too. Can't remember who though. it's been too long, and I was still learning the game mechanics at the time.

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My preferred clique involves Cirrilo, Phillip, Pru, Neso, Iustus, Vettor, Aaron, Leopold, Cyrus, and Antonio. Obviously I have to beef up my charm and friendship skills so I never really have all of them together in one playthrough. I only managed it twice successfully.

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If I get a charm of twelve I manage to keep them together long enough to make everyone like each other. I tend to call my clique The Bad Apples because, well, most of them are bad apples. We're there to spoil the bunch mwah hah hah

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Well my first clique is shrouded in the mists of time as well, but I have a few I recall still; The Pretty Boy Clique, a quite arbitrary little group, made up of people I found to be pretty and who didn't have a clique. Of cause, as they invited their own people it ended up quite a mix as well. I think Carmine, Raoul, Cyrys, Durand and Girars was the ones I invited - and I am fairly sure that a few girls wormed their way in. (I understand why, but the name was no longer really fitting...)

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My technical first clique, I think Uliva befriended me and brought me into her click

Anyways, my first clique (in the steam version) is Uliva, Emilia Strolin, Rikildis von Kiep, Miya, and Prudence (YOUR SOUL IS MINE PRUDENCE, I USED 4 CLEANCE AND CHEESES ALONG WITH 8 TIME SLOTS TO MAKE YOU PASS DIALECT, AND I ENDED UP LOSING 10 POINTS IN BOTH NEGATION AND INCANTAION TESTS)
I added Uliva because of what I said above (she was the first character to be nice to my 1 fit characters of old T_T ), Emilia and Prudence I happened to start adding them to my Cliques at some point (can't remember why exactly, but roughly 70% of cliques I've made had them, at least), and Miya and Rikildis are more just "Hey we don't have a Clique" (also I've had Rikildis be a enemy in past games).

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