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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. I'm getting a new computer at the end of the month, and I'm hoping Academagia is going to be one of the first games I play on it.


By the way, everyone in my family loves the name Black Chicken Studios. Even though my Dad doesn't show it, I think he likes the name because his tennis buddies and he call themselves the Fighting Chickens.


Thank you for your time.

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Greetings, pal.


No, my profile uses my RPG name. I just love to use an alter ego/avatar in games and see what doing things "my way" causes. So far lots of bad alchemy results...


I work as a game tester and Academagia now has a eager fan in Finland.

In the past few years I've drifted away from mainstream games since I find so little of interest there. Not many developers these days have the courage to do anything else than casual and I greatly appreciate the effort you made for us who want something else than bland casual on our plate. I really love the visual novel style of the game and am pretty impressed with the amount of detail. When you forget half or more of the stuff you need to remember you know youre not playing a boring game.

Horray for the courageus Black Chicken Studios! You've served my picky and refined gaming palette well.


Now I'm off to fall asleep because of all the late night hours Academagia has robbed from me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


I am new to the forums and still working through my first play through of Academagia using a Godina character specialized in music.


I enjoy complex Indie games like Dwarf Fortress and grew up playing traditional text-based games on my Apple IIC.


I enjoy the complexity and sheer volume of things to do in the game a lot so far.


Best regards,



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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone.


I'm 21, just finished uni (Last exam was couple of days ago :) ) live in london, speak english as my main language, urdu is my native. Mostly play rpg/rts games, and love a good simulation of any kind. I must add that I find this game simply fabulous, and its good to see something original out there. First saw this game on impulse. Currently on my second playthrough as a Durand student, first was Aranaz (though I deleted that by mistake, so will have to do that again). I'm trying to join the secret society in Durand, no luck so far, but oh well! I like all the colleges but prefer durand due to their philosophy & aranaz, cause then I can take all my favorite classes. Mostly don't post a lot in the forums so you'll probably see me lurkking here or there.


Cheers everyone!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings forum. I am a nervous, studious person from London who bought Academagia today because it was cheap and reminded me of Earthsea. I've been playing it all afternoon while listening to the cricket and sheltering from the thick heat. I like games that are involved but don't require non-stop attention, and this seems to fit the bill. Other games I enjoy include the Football Manager series, Civ4, Crusader Kings, Fate Of The World and Dwarf Fortress, to name just a few.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Time to introduce myself i guess. I'm a math student from Poland who loves everything connected to fiction, from computer games through movies and tv shows to books, but games and tv shows are my favorite. I spend lots of time on TV tropes, have an account in almost all online game stores (finally a way to avoid playing translated games... I just can't stand experiencing media not in their original form. I make an exception for books, though. For example the polish translation of Harry Potter is brilliant and it incorporates fan feedback, the polish version of Pratchett's Discworld series is also stellar)


I love playing indie and roguelike games, because let's face it. The mainsream gaming industry rarely does games with scope and lots of content and to be honest 3d graphics make me feel like I'm seasick. Dungeon Crawl, Tales of Maj'eyal, Dominions 3 and now Academagia are the type of games i really look forward to. Where every race/faction/college or whatever is completely distinct from the other, where the devs think of everything.


Some mainstream games also fit the bill. I mostly play RPG and Strategy with Fallout, Baldur's Gate, the Master of Orion series, Civilization 4 or Alpha Centauri being favorites. Mostly old games as you see.


As for books, A Song of Ice and Fire is at the top, closely followed by HP and Tolkien. I also read Discworld, Rothfuss' Name of the Wind, Lynch's The Gentleman Bastard series and Butcher's Dresden Files series.


Musically I'm a big fan of Muse, Metallica, SoaD, Rammstein and a surprising amount of bands from Wales. (Catatonia, Manic Street Preachers) hence my nickname (Wales = Cymru in Welsh)


Also it's refreshing to be a part of a forum that has such a pleasant atmosphere and where the devs answer all questions. Nice to meet you all.

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