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Guide to choosing a collage


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Can't decide which collage to dedicate the rest of the five years? Here some info and lore for you to decide. Please post suggestion to improve this guide.


Note: You can change your collage in future years, but it won't be quite the smooth ride and things won't be the same.


Note 2: Virtue list is inspired by the student in the corresponding collage.


Note 3: Collage skill can be learn by anyone.



Rivalry Chart


Aranaz vs. Durand

Avila vs. Godina

Morvidus vs. Vernin


Hedi doesn't have a traditional rival.





Aranaz College is named after King Aranaz, a legendary tactician whose brutality is no less famed than his skill. This college once championed the art and science of Orthography, but the Praetexta council folded this discipline into Astrology and Artifice. The college remains, however, and is known for its pursuit of perfection, order and power.


"College Aranaz is the natural home for young mages of great ambition and decisive temperament."


Year 1 Students: 14


Emblem Element: Saffron Flower, Amber, Quill, Calligraphy, Parchment, Sphinx, Scribe, Black Swan, Swords, and Scales.


Motto: Beware Courtesy


Collage Color: Dark Blue


Virtue: Elite, Elitist, Achievers, Problem Solver, Explorer of Secret, Ruler/Tyrant, Honor Students, Singular Focus of knowledge, Manipulation, etc.


Required Classes: Calligraphy and History

Required Attribute: Finesse and Intelligence

Collage Skills: Honor of Mallen Field (Heraldry: Intelligence), Aranaz Common Room, The Wand and Brush merchant, The Cold Room,


Personal Opinion: The collage for A+ students.

"What you got a B!? You must be slacking off and I just lost some respect for you until you get that A again! Also, stop crying like a weakling."






Avila is one of the first Colleges of the Academagia, and it is named for Queen Avila, who was Queen over the Chardissian Isles and is famed for her part in beginning the revolt against the dragons. When she first came to the crown, she refused to serve the wyrms, setting off a great war amongst the beasts that turned to the advantage of Men. This college is known for its seers, luck and stubborness.


"College Avila has become a beacon for young Astrologers across the scattered isles; moreover, it’s the corner of the Academy where civility and social graces are most stringently encouraged."


Year 1 Students: 10


Emblem Element: Lavender & Honeysuckle Flowers, Yellow Sapphire, flag, banner, orb of gold, Dye Egyptian Goose, Lebanese Pine Coins, Parcel, and Silk.


Motto: Tyranny Shall Not Prosper


Collage Color: Dark Green and Midnight Green


Virtue: Loyalty, Seer, lucky (or really unlucky), Story teller, Leader, Manager, Organizer, Orator, Observer, Socialization, Charmer, Graceful, Freedom, etc.


Required Classes: Astrology and Geometry

Required Attribute: Luck and Intelligence

Collage Skills: Pride of a Rebel Queen (History: Insight*), Avila Common Room


Personal Opinion: The collage for the gifted.

"Why yes, the stars reveals that I will be lucky today and it seem those bullies is extra busy today, Oh look, a coin!"






Along with Avila, Durand is one of the first Colleges of the Academagia. It is named for King Durand, who was the master of the Rimerta, now Meril. Over time, this college has become associated with the earth, agriculture, nature, and the powers of denial against Draconic magic.


"Named for the great and doomed king of old – learn the ways of the soil and the secrets of Negation magic. It’s a college with a firm sense of tradition and responsibility, in which its students justly take pride."


Year 1 Students: 12


Emblem Element: Red or Pink Anemone, Ruby, Orchard, Plow, Shield, Mountain Perks, Castle, Lion/Lioness, Minotaur, Mouse, Sword and Shield, Cloak and Brooch.


Motto: Courage and Hope


Collage Color: Red, Mountbatten Pink, and Purple.


Virtue: Nature, Negation, creation, noble, brave, tradition, moral, responsibility, pride, strictness, righteous, peace, pacifism, wildness, helpfulness, duelist, etc.


Required Classes: Botany, Dialectic, Negation

Required Attribute: Insight, Intelligence, and Fitness

Collage Skills: Manner of a Champion (War: Insight), Durand Common Room


Personal Opinion: The collage for Good.

"No! We must not give up! No one will be hurt on my watch...or at least I can make the pain go away...or make it worse if I mess up."


Note: Aranaz and Durand is rival.






Godina college was one of the last colleges entered at the Academy. Its namesake, King Godina, was renowned for the depth of his treasury, the endurance of his warriors, and his famed battle-rage. Today, this college is known for its powerful incantations, quick abilities at creation, and their penchant for destruction.


"In years past, College Godina raised up more war-mages than most, and even today its focus on the magic of Incantation attracts students with an eye for adventure. That said, Incantation is also the magic of creation; the college encourages serious research as well as dramatic displays of power."


Year 1 Students: 10


Emblem Element: Star of Berthlehem, Gold/Silver/Iron, Mountain, Lightning, Four Olive Trees, Wolf with Collar, Four-Wands, Spindle-Ingots, and Hammer.


Motto: Wherever the Foe


Collage Color: Hunter green and Maya Blue


Virtue: Warrior, courage, endurance, power, creation, adventure, luck, exploration, dedication, willpower, passion, growth, experiment, research, might, etc.


Required Classes: Athletics, Incantation and Music

Required Attribute Fitness, Finesse, Insight

Collage Skill: Striving Against the Foe (Compete: Fitness), Goldina Common Room, Goldina Common Room South Corner


Note: This is the only collage that doesn't require the Intelligence stat.


Personal Opinion: The collage for Warrior Mage.

"Real man can dodge any spells, and real man can take a hundred spells without falling!"






Hedi College, located next to the Vasastra Campanile, is named for Queen Hedi of Tiljat, justly famed for her powers of diplomacy. During the southern revolts, she was able to play the Dragons and their Men against one another long enough to keep her realm free, before the victorious armies of the West drove the last of the wyrms from her lands. This college is known for its secret glamours, illusions and enchanters.


"Natural home for diplomats and charmers, emphasizing wordplay as well as studies of Glamour. Its students are masters of wit and keepers of secrets, and tend to thrive as merchants and ambassadors later in life. Note that, contrary to unfortunate rumor, spycraft is not formally taught by the College."


Year 1 Students: 13


Emblem Element: Pomegranate Tree, Leaf, Shells, Pearls, Incense, Perfume, Cat, Harpy, Siren, and Crowns.


Motto: Speak Quietly of Riddles


Collage Color: Burgundy and Regalia


Virtue: Mediator, language, illusion, enchantment, wordplay, wits, problem solver, trader, diplomacy, patience, ideas, stealthiness of words(and hand, cough, cough), information, deception, manipulation, etc.


Required Classes: Glamour, Grammar, Rhetoric

Required Attribute: Charm and Intelligence

Collage Skill: Speaking quietly of Riddles (Society: Intelligence), Hedi Common Room


Personal Opinion: The collage for the POWER WORD.

"As I said, Sally stole your wallet, which in turn got stolen by Yaki's familiar cat, and eventually dropped it into my pocket. Yes, thank you for believing me, can I have a reward for finding your wallet?"






Morvidus College is nestled under the eaves of the forest of Pal, as befitting their namesake. King Morvidus came unexpectedly to Durand's fleet from the untamed north, with many hundreds of hardy men and their beasts at their side. This college is known for its affinity with familiars, nature and friendship.


"The center of the Academagia’s Revision studies, but most of its students love it more for its bonds with the animal kingdoms. Young zoologists and naturalists are drawn here from every corner of the broken world, and seem to spend more time in the school menageries than in their dormitories!"


Year 1 Students: 10


Emblem Element: Apple, Apple Flower, Granite, Ivory, Silhouette of Hand Axe, Tempest, Warrior, Maiden, Wolf, Armored Bear, Armored Elk, Linked Chain, Timber, and Dawn.


Motto: Friendship is the Treasure


Collage Color: Black and Pistachio


Virtue: Friend, animal, bond, familiar, gathering, group, nature, empathy, beastliness, wildness, survival of the fittest,


Required Classes: Revision, Zoology

Required Attribute: Intelligence

Collage Skill: Seeking Friends in Hidden Places (Explore: Luck*), Morvidus Common Room


Note: The only collage that require one attribute.


Personal Opinion: The collage for the wild buddies.

"Hey kid, my friend and his porcupine just came back from a tough exploration, which they are now thirsty and it is the utmost important of YOUR SURVIVAL that you give him your apple juice and BUY one more for his familiar."






Vernin College is named for King Vernin, who ruled over much of Strozza, although the great mines of Prastimmio remained upon Cyve in the Exile. His wealth was in the crafters of his people, whose matchless weapons could pierce even the scales of the most dreadful dragons. This college is known for its artificers, mercantile acumen and resourcefulness.


"Home of most of the Academy’s artists and Enchanters: a college of refinement, subtlety, passion, and very hard work. Note that creative displays in the Vernin Common Room are permitted, but artists are encouraged in the strongest possible terms to ensure the safety of their fellow students in creating and arranging these projects. Indoor fireworks are now strictly forbidden."


Year 1 Students: 14


Emblem Element: Red Primula Flower, Honeycomb, Unfinished Stone, Broken Arrow, Broken Spear, Book, Smoke and Fire, Bear Mink, Red-Breasted Nuthuch, Forge and Hammer, Forge and Scar, and Archway.


Motto: Prepare


Collage Color: Pine Green and Prune


Virtue: Art, beauty, antique, competitive, enchantment, refinement, subtlety, passion, hard work, creativity, hobby, craftsmanship, wealth, creation, challenge, etc.


Required Classes: Arithmetic , Enchant

Required Attribute: Intelligence and Insight

Collage Skill: Legacy of Many Towers (History: Intelligence), Vernin Common Room, Vernin Grand Forge,


Personal Opinion: The collage for the Artist and Crafter

"This muffin is dull! Maybe I can enchant it to make a cute little...something...with a well chewed out perpendicular size that fit for the palm and two buttons of googly eyes!"


Note: Vernin students enjoy competing for Merit (collage point), so this collage have higher chance for winning merit reward.


Note 2: Rival with Morvidus (bullies), so be careful in year 2-5 where rivalry really sparks.

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Morvidus College:

  1. College colours are black/Dark green. (like a typical EVIL WIZARD)
  2. Required areas of study:

    Revision (Picked up a
    number of new spells and phemes when Mastery was banned)

    Zoology (Study of creatures. Gates mages summon creatures)

  3. Typical Morvidus students include:

    Bullies, such as Phillipe Marcant

    Strange individuals who get along better with animals than people, such as Mairgrete Strakley

    Students who are publicly and loudly devoted to non-violent ideals, such as Eliana Carosi (Almost too publicly devoted to non-violence...)

    Hector per Vittoria and his dammable owl

    On the whole, Morvidus has the lowest social skill/student ratio of any of the colleges

  4. The college is located right next to a forest (Who knows what goes on inside the dark woods?)
  5. The regent keeps all his personal notes in code, in a locked desk (Like he has something to hide)


Now, I'm not saying Morvidus is the favoured college of EVIL SORCERERS. On the other hand, I'm not saying it isn't. Just, y'know, there are conclusions one could draw.

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Typical Morvidus students include:

I put it as a hint in Virtue just so it won't be a spoiler.


#4 is a good idea~


When this changes in Year 2 we probably wont use some of our already played Chars because they are now in the wrong College ^^

Not true, When the time come for year 2,3,4, and 5, not everyone would want to replay through all the years again because they dislike their current collage for whatever reason and changing collage midway is not exactly a good thing as Legate hinted.


Edit: As a dramatic example: let's say Morvidus defected and become a evil gate/mastery college at year 3.

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Oh, I hope not. If that should happen, it should be a consequence of adventures, because Morvidus is my favorite school.


The reason I love it is because Revision and Zoology are subjects I really enjoy. Black and green are colors I really enjoy too! So much more elegant than the pine and prune colors of Vernin.


While I agree that Morvidus definitely has a high proportion of unpleasant people (my single most miserable character ever managed to get on the bad side of half of Morvidus, and she suffered greatly), they're not so bad once you get to know them. (Do a few adventure chains, it makes the characters more sympathetic!) I wish the adventure chains were a little easier though, I'd get to learn more about more characters and wouldn't have to dedicate half my year to each adventure. :)

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As it stands, I think everyone befriends people across multiple colleges, so everyone is going to experience the fightings.


Also everyone befriends Emilia Picotti. At least every player character does. :)

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Oh, I hope not.

It just a DRAMATIC example...point proven otherwise.


I agree Morvidus is not a evilish collage at all, it just happen that it have more student with the bully stat. (Where else to put their charm stat to? :) )


Aranaz however is the closest to Lawful Evil...


Cliques that have Members of different Collegues my become Problems

Aww yeah, all out magical gang war, dueling every bloody day~

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I built a rather large clique, and then the next day, 2/3rds of it went off and formed their own clique separate from me.


I got them all together, they became friends with one another, and then they left me with the dregs without any explanation why. ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Oh, how I wish Hedi teach Power Word Die......


By the way, are students treated by outsiders different based on their college?


"Oh, that one's from Hedi. She used her Power Word Mastery last week and convinced the Thieves Guild to disband!"

"Uh-oh, that one's from Mordivus. She managed to grow a pack of faux dragons from lizard-size to warehouse-size, then make out with an satyr for 10 hours straight."

"Aranaz students are mean! That one told me that only people who score 1234 on their Incarnation exam are worthy to speak to him!"

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A quick note: although you will be able to change your College in future Years, the results won't *quite* be the same as if you were a member from day 1. Just something to ponder. :huh:


Bah, Morvidus forever! My faith is strong, my resolve unshakeable!



Morvidus College:

  1. College colours are black/Dark green. (like a typical EVIL WIZARD)
  2. Required areas of study:

    Revision (Picked up a
    number of new spells and phemes when Mastery was banned)

    Zoology (Study of creatures. Gates mages summon creatures)

  3. Typical Morvidus students include:

    Bullies, such as Phillipe Marcant

    Strange individuals who get along better with animals than people, such as Mairgrete Strakley

    Students who are publicly and loudly devoted to non-violent ideals, such as Eliana Carosi (Almost too publicly devoted to non-violence...)

    Hector per Vittoria and his dammable owl

    On the whole, Morvidus has the lowest social skill/student ratio of any of the colleges

  4. The college is located right next to a forest (Who knows what goes on inside the dark woods?)
  5. The regent keeps all his personal notes in code, in a locked desk (Like he has something to hide)


Now, I'm not saying Morvidus is the favoured college of EVIL SORCERERS. On the other hand, I'm not saying it isn't. Just, y'know, there are conclusions one could draw.


I view them as less TEH EBOL SORSEROZ and more along the lines of semi-civilized barbarian shamans. Aranaz, Durand etc. have their own share of unpleasant students; it's just that Morvidus's yob/ette(s) are more physical in nature than the rest. If Academagia ever had physical combat classes, I'd bet you a bucket of Pims the Morvidans would be the most populous as well as the most adept students involved.

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  • 3 years later...

Wild I suggest you try each of the college at last once because each college have their unique adventures.

In chase you want to play a game with Avila I recommend a look at Mikka's Adventure Guide because the adventures are hard to unlock.

For the first play I suggest to go for Vernin, Aranaz or Morvidus as they have the best chances to win the Merit race.

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Personally I did Hedi first and enjoyed my struggle through my school days using only glamour, charm, and my rhetoric skills. I spoke myself out of assignments, into parties, and even convinced a teacher that another student was to blame for my prank. I also derailed gates and mastery accusations that were true (in my defense, I learned them by accident. Then I learnes how to play the game and then.. Well... MWAHAHAHA).


I then tried Godina a few times and found out that they were a better choice for me (personality-wise). It was a lot of fun playing a more physical based character. I ended up becoming rivals with everyone except my all time bff's Antonio, Cirillo, and Aaron.


Then I fluffed around some more with the other colleges, not really fitting in until I joined Aranaz. I was BORN for Aranaz. The sassy attitudes, studious characters, the DRAMA, the BETRAYEL. I love professor Von Ruprecht for the fact that he's an unlikable git. It's absolutely fantastic. I can see Aranaz defecting and making Mastery a study since I suspiciously raised my mastery skills a lot when playing a temperate Aranaz student... >.>

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, I'm so glad I know what a git is. I giggled very hard when I found that word in a Beatles song yet 99% of Americans still don't know!


Also, Aranaz is awesome. I personally agree that Von Rupprecht is one of the professors most likely to tolerate a Gates/Mastery student for no other reason than having a nice piece of blackmail on them to force them to do his bidding.

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