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A few in game questions


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Wrong. :)


As to the why...bahahaha! You (may) find out. :)


Let’s face it: [Character]Character/Selection/Hedi/Zoe Melis’s a nerd; she can always be seen doing something that wouldn't appeal to anybody else, like pondering crazy lists and counting them out on her fingers.


It is not uncommon to see her practicing a foreign language, aloud and to herself. Right now it’s DRACONIC.

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Gah! This is totally not fair! :(


There'd better be a darn good reason for that! :angry:


Hmmm. Since Even the language itself is considered "dangerous" to learn, then why the heck do they even have *any* books in... Umm.. Dragonese.. At the school!?


I'm serious here! If there is not a good clear-cut reason why one should not learn Dragonese when we get the ability to learn it, then my character definitely will!

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I'm just going to leave this here.


May I have some information on Academagia Year 2 please? Maybe a snippet of text from the game? Please?smile.gif


I bet there will be the dreaded words known as "redacted" actually in the game, and that will be all you get, and when Year 2 came out the Legate will go all :) and say he did give you a snippet of text from the game.

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Now I suspect this Philippe is actually a fake one and we will still have the original bullying bully Philippe. Otherwise, who is going to be the antagonist? Dexter Marchant?laugh.gif


And I left enough for the Legate to reply "I am serious. And don't call me Shirly." Sad again.sad.gif

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Haha! Alright, I guess I can do that. Let's see...how about...


"It is a long but not difficult climb to the top of Annerito Tower. When you arrive, however, it is neither the Queen of Cats nor her court that awaits you. Only Oyes is standing there alone, blue fur shining in the moonlight.


“I see you’ve come to betray me after all I’ve done for you,” he says, stalking calmly towards you."

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