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A few in game questions


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It struck me, I don't know how big palettes are! They are differing of cause, but which sizes are we speaking of? Tennis ball? Football (not that american junk)? Beach ball? One of those you can sit on? :P Is the size indicative of the spell being cast? If so is small a strong or weak spell/practiced non-practiced?


I realize that drawing circles on paper can be difficult and drawing them (strait and clear) in the air must take much practice! Do children use aids for their first spells? Like having a parent draw circles on the floor that the kid can then trace in the air?

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People visiting the school, intro days perhaps, are they too marked so there may be kept an eye on their coming and goings? I imagine that children who have yet to sign the school's in-case-of-death clausal need to be watch so they don't get lost ;)



Are most magic classes starting at the children's level? Draw circles draw circles, this is a pheme, draw draw draw (or however they would do it)

Or do the classes assume that the basics are there? (If they do assume, is there then a starter course you can take prior to the school year to get up to speed?)



The Academagia is house to many bright young people, their treasure and that of the school itself. Even with the frightening thought of being caught, aren't there many thieves/robbers/kidnappers/pirates attacking the school? I remember a few cases where you could help defend or hide from pirates. I assume this is the last line of defense, but SURELY there are more than that. I can't imagine many parents willing sending their children into the biggest deathtrap created. ;) Is it within your... power, to speak a little of these defenses?

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Is there a way to keep track of visitors though? I had rough idea for an event with some missing visitors but I'd rather not go against lore. I seem to recall that there was a visitor looking for Orsi and you could help him along... what if he vanished? :(

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Let's say there was a student from far away in Elumia who thus knew little about the collages, who had no recent family who had attended Academagia, and who was interested in Calligraphy, Astrology, History, Geometry, Arithmetic, and Enchant. What traits would be looked for in order to put a student in the proper collage? Besides professor thinking someone is obviously suited somewhere and student class selection/preference, what other causes are looked for?


Is it usual for family to all end up in one house, like Phillipe and his brothers? Or is that a rare case?


Werewolves! Are you willing to talk a bit about them? Are they men who turn in to wolf-men and wolves, wolves who turn in to wolf-men (and men?), or a different race all together? Do they breed true, or are they only created by infection? What is the general opinion of them?

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That would depend on the Regents, but they would probably look for aptitude and potential, rather than necessarily interest.


It is usual for members of a family to all end up in one College, but only *slightly* more usual than not. ;)


Good questions! There are many debates on this, but lycanthropy is viewed as a disease. It usually does not breed true, but sometimes it does. Additionally, sometimes they can be created by an infection, but sometimes no- it depends on the lycanthrope in question. For the most part, because of the fear of contagion, they are shunned and forced to live in undesirable parts of towns. At the Academagia they are welcomed as normal Students (your peers may act otherwise!), but special restrictions on behavior and movement during times of forced change are put into place.

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I *LIKE* that answer, keeps it nice and open for potential students being werewolves! If I find out who I'll be sure to ask them how they transform, if it is magic, semi-magic or something else entirely. :)


Heh it makes me giddy as Oriabel in a graveyard :P

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Are Vampiers allowed to study at the Academagia?

Or are they pure creatures of the night and so its imposible for them to learn during the day when the other Students do?

Sadly I don't remember what was sayed about Vampier and the rules they have to follow in the Adventure where we encounter the Vampier :(.

So I also wonder what kind of special Law restrictions they are put under.

Transmit their bit the Vampierdom when they feed (doubt so or they would be hunted to the extinction) or how do they increase theyr population?

(I think to remember that the Vampier I encountered was a child)

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It's possible to study at the Academagia as a Vampire, but probably not at the younger levels simply because of the restrictions on activity.


Vampires are even less welcome that Lycanthropes, and too prominent of a lifestyle can lead to daylight burnings. As a result, relatively few laws exist governing their behavior, mostly handed down from Imperial Law.


Vampires cannot transmit their condition simply through biting, nor can they voluntarily give their state. New vampires do sometimes appear, but how...is an unknown. :)

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Suddenly wanting a vampire / werewolf hybrid student. cool.gif


Is it possible for someone rich enough / powerful enough / influential enough that their child can be accepted into the school after the term has started?


Sort of like a transfer student.

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(I suspected as much, but this is what you get for hinting ;))



Are teachers/other staff allowed to have their children/spouse staying over/living on the school premises?



When is the Academagia open for potential new students?

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