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A few in game questions


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3) Not sure what you mean with Rogue Mages but there are Mages who got on the bad side of the law as you can see if you play some adventures.

7) I Suspect you can do this with strong enough Astrology but I'm sure it still would seen as Gate Magic by others (Just have a look at the girl in a Adventure that crosed the line betwean Glamour and Mastery)


3. The usual mad cackling mages who do this and that.


7. Can you specify the adventure please I really want to see this

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Thanks for answering so quickly

Yay for 10th post!


Additional question


1. Since any pointy things could be used as a wand, does anyone have used this advantage and integrate it into a fighting style?



2. What is Grand Summoning? I know its an ability you acquired during The House in the bog adventure what I want to know is what are they doing?



3. If a wizard replace his/her familiar, does the old familiar retain knowledge that the wizard taught? And what about the bond ? Does it reset back to zero again?

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Leoshi and/or Adrian;


Girars, as well as other Students that have a special diet, can receive prepared meals in the Great Hall which conform to their diet.




Pims are not enchanted. By default. :)


Negating fate seems like a really bad idea, but, in theory? It should be possible.


Casting Spells and combat are integrated, definitely. Some mages have even been known to cast with swords, although it requires a high degree of training and skill.


The previous Familiar does retain the knowledge, and the Bond is severed. It's not zero; it's null. :)

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1. How long do items incanted out of nothing last? Can a person prepare an enchantment on it to last longer?


2. Given an understandable fear of being ripped off, would a merchant generally accept coinage that, while legit, had some obvious enchantment of some sort on them?


3. So, here's something that bothers me with a lot of scenarios I've seen. I would guess that with revision, it would be possible to allow yourself or other things to pass through objects such as a wall or a rock that someone throws at you etc, but if you are completely transparent, gravity should then suck you under the ground. Can you enlighten us as how this sort of thing would work in this setting, Legate?


4. Also, are ghosts and spirit's visual forms much like they were in life, or do they look more like a legless "genie"? Am I making sense here?


5. Understanding the reasons behind the banning of Gates, with the power of the caster being largely irrelevant to the potential damage, it seems logical that in the pre-ban era numerous precautions must have been taken to mitigate the risk as much as possible. So, on a related topic, What sort of precautions are generally taken when a powerful incanter experiments with powerful phemes and spells?


6. I remember reading somewhere that although the horizontal limits of the maelstrom is unknown, the vertical limits are well known. Are there any people that skirt those limits for research purposes?


7. Are all the islands level with each other? By that I mean are their edges' ground level at the same elevation with each other or do they differ in elevation?


8. What level of knowledge do the educated people (mages) have on breathable air? Is it modern knowledge levels, or just that they know that stale air should be recirculated, even if they don't know why?

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For your questions:


2. Given an understandable fear of being ripped off, would a merchant generally accept coinage that, while legit, had some obvious enchantment of some sort on them?


No. :)


3. So, here's something that bothers me with a lot of scenarios I've seen. I would guess that with revision, it would be possible to allow yourself or other things to pass through objects such as a wall or a rock that someone throws at you etc, but if you are completely transparent, gravity should then suck you under the ground. Can you enlighten us as how this sort of thing would work in this setting, Legate?


Sure, what you describe is possible. However, the missing element in our analogy is *what* you Revise. You might, for instance, Revise yourself to be incorporeal...but leave unchanged your property of mass (which gravity acts on.) Levitation, in Revision, is precisely centered around Revising your mass to be as close to 0 as possible, to use real-world terms. :)


4. Also, are ghosts and spirit's visual forms much like they were in life, or do they look more like a legless "genie"? Am I making sense here?


You are, and it depends on the spirit what form they take.


5. Understanding the reasons behind the banning of Gates, with the power of the caster being largely irrelevant to the potential damage, it seems logical that in the pre-ban era numerous precautions must have been taken to mitigate the risk as much as possible. So, on a related topic, What sort of precautions are generally taken when a powerful incanter experiments with powerful phemes and spells?


Generally, unless you are out in the wilderness, you would perform these kinds of tests with the help of a Negater, or at least in an enchanted testing area.


6. I remember reading somewhere that although the horizontal limits of the maelstrom is unknown, the vertical limits are well known. Are there any people that skirt those limits for research purposes?


For research purposes? Yes, a few, although the fact that sometimes they don't come back does put a damper on enthusiasm. :)


8. What level of knowledge do the educated people (mages) have on breathable air? Is it modern knowledge levels, or just that they know that stale air should be recirculated, even if they don't know why?


There is no significant knowledge about the need for circulation, apart from practical knowledge mostly limited to miners.

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Leoshi and/or Adrian;




Psst, Adrian! I think the legate is on to us! Hurry up with that prank already!



Anyway, am I right to think that the results for examinations are given to the students a few hours after the exams? Or do the professor's need a week because of various paperworks that need to be filled out first?


Any word on which of the professor's are married or currently dating?tongue.gif


And one more! Are there any ghost / horror stories told around the school?

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I believe they need a week, although of course in-game you get the results right away.


No word yet on marriage/dating. I think they are trying to decide how much you would know that's not shown via Events or Adventures. :)


There are many, many ghost and horror stories told around campus. You have already experienced some of them! :)

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Already experienced them?




Awesome Community Event 07 or maybe the Demon Doll...


Can I Persuade you to tell everyone here just one horror story?smile.gif


And yeah... How much we would know that's not shown via Events or Adventures... *Cough*


*Gossip* Hey everybody, did you hear about a certain regent dating a certai... *Choke* *Dragged away*

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Considering that creatures summoned through gates can be controlled do gate practitioners then use a branch of mastery too or is it a different approach altogether?


I believe it may have been answered but: Can mastery magic be detected? I know you can determine if you've cast it (examining the caster) but if my friend Tom stood before me 30 years from now when I've become a master magician, will I be able to tell if he has been put under a spell? (Through magic knowledge and not the fact that he is a drooling zombie)


In a related question, if faced with a monster under a charm, can you then tell who the charm belongs to?

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Can a person who cast master on Test_dummy_A01 use the dummy's spells and such? Even if the master doesn't know how to cast it him/herself? - I know you can in the game but that may have been a side effect. :)


Negation seems to be the most versatile spell-group (perhaps not counting mastery's side effects). I wonder, will it become relatively harder to master than the other spell lines as we learn more?


Do pirates usually hire mage-help when raiding stuff? - I am thinking of the ones going up against a school of mages-in-learning. The children might not be so dangerous (or maybe just to themselves) but the teachers are a whole different level. Also, considering the powerbase that the Academagia is, harming or killing a student seems likely to have a huge bounty raised on the guilty parts head(s)...

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Yes, you can use their Spells and Abilities without knowing how to use them yourself.


All of the Pillars are fairly versatile, but Negation can do a great many things. I definitely wouldn't say that it is the *most* versatile, however. ;)


Pirates (anyone, for that matter) will try to hire Mages if they can. As you know, Magic is a very potent force. :)

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