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A few in game questions


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Well it seems you can add stress bonus to an ability up to stress maximum. Just tried it with befriend action with 1 charm with a fitness of 1. Stress bonus up to 3 and no further. Succeeded.

Ability as in something from the Ability list, like...I'unno, Try to Solve the Block Puzzle. Though kudos for confirming that Stress Bonus goes up to Stress Max, not just Fitness×2.

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Ah, excellent, that means that you can totally Stress bonus your way through everything that isn't an adventure...if you're willing to pay for the stress cost. Going to have to keep that idea in mind next playthrough, I might end up having to rely on Rest a bit more.

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Some Y2 questions, that may or may not have been answered already somewhere in these 400+ pages.
1. Will there be anything that reacts to the player being rank 1 in their class, or is it the Honors that matter? (Just had a student who had crushed 4 of his 6 classes (rank 1 first honors), but had a meh class only receiving lower second honors)
2. Is there/will there be : a way to help clique members who have failed one of their classes in Y1? (I know there is Set Example in Y1 but that doesn't cover study nor do I see a way to tell if they have a 10 study; kind of want to save Prudence)
3. Curious how or if the family traits will affect the summer vaction event, but mainly if a combination creates a unique event or if one supersedes the other. I know at the very least the location for example the Sky Pirate supersedes other locations, but wondering if for example having noble, descendant royalty, wealthy, etc. have some form of alteration.

4. Has anyone figured out the descendant of traitors backstory is (or it's possible future impact). Main thing I noticed is the fact you can only have it or royalty, even though such a thing could happen.

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1. Top students will end up drawing the ire of those beneath them. Particularly students like Basia Rydz.

2. Once the exam results are in, no. Before than you can use things like Force of Duty or Teach to give them a leg up. It won't work perfectly, but it'll be something.

3. There will most definitely be differences between the summer of a wealthy noble who descends from royalty and the summer of a recently destitute traitor.

4. The future implications of backgrounds are, as of yet, entirely unknown, aside from what's blatantly obvious (Wealthy people are rich - who knew?).

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Now I have another question, though I'm looking at Basia Rydz while typing this.
"Do these jealous students, mentioned by Mettis, only go after the PC or also NPCS?"; I'm asking this because according to the magical document Freespace made Basia is number 33 in total and number 7 in her college. Thus her autoimatically gunning for a Morvidus traitorous wealthy pirate's son seems a bit to far ahead for her particularly.

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IIRC they'll go after whoever is the top student, PC or NPC, primarily. For my Y2 saves I'm actually planning on buffing an NPC student into the top spot and grabbing second myself, so I can have the benefits of high exam scores without as much of the hate due to the bigger target sitting on top. I also figure that if my pasties are numbers like Joana, Philippe and Louis they and the jealous ones will end up nuking each other, so I'll be clear to take first from that point on.

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Awhile back I think Freespace asked if there was a reward for perfect attendence. Well I'm here to ask if it allows some absenses (for example a 1 fit character would most likely not have perfect attendence because they will at least head to the infirmary once). Though I'm more asking how many time slots could be missed but still be rewarded.

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Anyone has a list of adventures that open up special options for other adventures? The ones I know are Tempting Signs and Welcome to the club.


Also,for After Exams, when exactly is it available? I know it is after the midterm but I'm already in the 2nd week of Hionoshi.

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I had someone join my Clique without my knowledge, is there a way to rip him out of it? I'/ demeaning but he has yet to leave (he has a -10 with me, and I have no idea about my other 3 members).


The problem as it stands is that you are likely not, in game terms, part of your clique, so just because your unwanted member hates you, it doesn't mean that he has any negatives with anyone in the actual clique, and thus has no reason to leave. <_<

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Alright, let see how many questions I'm about to ask that have already been asked :P

1. How "often" will character portraits (player/npc) be updated between games, if at all?
2. Will some npcs have class changes (for those who you gave a class with a dominant skill of 1 relating to it)?
3. Is there a chance the player coming across a student or professor during summer break? (... if you say yes, I worry the sky pirate's family might raid one of them)
-I know we can send a letter to a friend during this time
--3.5(?). Is it possible to interact in some manner with a professor during summer break?
---What do the professors normally do during the summer break?
4. Will we be getting a gradebook in-game (Y2) saying how everyone did; we already know each others grades just not if they officially passed. (This way we can check if it's actually correct)
5. Other than favors/additional classes is there a point to keeping a non-regent professor at 10 relation?

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1. I imagine we'll get an updated portrait once per year.

2. Not necessarily, but as I recall, it is an option (depending on exam scores, as I recall?)

3. That probably depends on your Heritage background, or whatever else is deemed more important in terms of where your family lives.

4. Not sure, but I hope so.

5. In terms of Y2? Not that I'm aware of.

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1) What Metis wrote.

2) Not procedurally exactly like that, no. However, it is an option, and it is dependent on exam scores.

3) As far as I know, only if you live in Mineta. I may be wrong about that, though.

3.5) You can write them.

4) Not like Freespace's, but it's a really good idea and should probably look like that. :)

5) Changing Colleges is the only thing that comes to mind re: Y2.

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