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A few in game questions


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Do I understand it right that we have to pay the tuition for i.e. Estaban Contu's School again in year 2 when we whant to continue to learn there in the next year?

How is the Pastname Rule for families? Is it like in most western Coutrys that the past name of the malewill taken over in the marriage or from the female or even at the choice of the parents?

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Ooo, money.


Approximately how affordable is the Academagia tuition? Numbers are probably unhelpful, I guess, as it's hard without knowing what people generally make a year. I'm assuming that a higher-class/noble family will be able to afford the tuition if they so desire, and that a lower-class family will not unless there are some extreme circumstances (however, the character could always have gotten some help with the tuition if one wanted to play a poorer character). But how about a family of merchants or of more specialized craftsmen?


(Does everyone use pims? I'm guessing not, with so many languages... are there other forms of currency?)



A weird question: do any of the other first year students come from Mineta proper?

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Academagia Tuition is *princely*, but in part that is over-inflation, since the Regents grant tuition assistance to over 3/4s of the Students- the price of buying your way in. ;)


Wealthy merchants can (and do) afford it, but craftsmen, unless very heavily patronized, are unlikely to be able to afford it on their own.


There are several different currencies, actually- Pims is just the currency of the City of Mineta...it's not even the old Imperial currency. :)


In the first year, only 4 Students have family in the City of Mineta:


Lambert Cobo

Vettor Conta

Uliva Valaresso

Cante Caviti

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Oooo do my senses detect the possibility for cheating?! We must ban revision! I shall not stand for this! Especially if my money turns into dirt once the spell runs out ;)


Really good questions, I had been meaning to ask about which students had their home in Mineta, but I guess it kind of slipped.



Would it be wrong of me to suspect that nobles could use a grant for the Academagia as a bribe or payment?


Kind of curious though, is the Academagia paid in fully before the schooling starts, or do you have to pay for another year? As in, do I have to pay a vast sum before my kid enters school, or do I have to pay a vast sum over the cause of 5 years?

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Hahaha! All moneylenders and most merchants have enchanted scales to...make sure that they are being paid as they should be. Most cities also have civic scales, which anyone can use to do the same. The scales are not just for weight, but also reveal, suppress and sometimes remove magic present.


Tuition is paid each year- not a lump sum for all 5. :)

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But still Revision can creat permanent changes so I doubt if you change dirt into golddust there will be any problems.

Where I agree that the player can become real problems with revision if he actual try to forge coins or use magic that only changes the material temporary.

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I'm working on writing an event and am looking for an in-lore fae creature (or court) that has a sinister reputation and has strong knowledge of magic in the area of Glamour or Enchantment. A small size is a plus.


I know there is a random event that describes one of the courts or types of fairies (it's after a Heraldry info check as I recall), can we get any insight into the courts and their general dispositions?

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Great! Can't wait to read it. :)


For your question, there are several different Courts of Fairies, but mortal societies tend to lump them into 'light' and 'dark', since the differences tend to indistinguishable from their eyes. The 'light' courts are traditionally benign, provided that they are given their due in respect. The 'dark' courts are malignant, unless placated. Both kinds are generally unwelcome, due to the mischief that some of their members play.

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Tying into the question of tuition, I was wondering if you could take a break for a year and then return, or is it a bit locked in that regard. Pay each year (on time, mind you) or get out. (Which would mean that the later years might have somewhat big age differences)

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Technically, yes, you can drop out and return, but (apart from some fun ideas being kicked around), I doubt you'll ever see that in the game.

Practical this gives Mods that add "extra long holyday" the ingame reason for them.


Edit: Just wondering that the Private Cabrio is a incantation spell, my first thought would be Gate magic and then maybe Glamour, Enchant or Revision but Incantation?!

Looks my own definition of Incantation is wrong and a good Incantation Mage can creat items of days duration "Out of thin air".

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Does the Academagia Library work together with other libraries around Elumia (or Mineta)?


Are the books (particularly the forbidden ones) warded or enchanted to stop thieves from stealing them? (I seem to recall a student trying to sneak off with books)


Is it usual to have family visiting the school? As in, "yeah it happens" or "It happens... (if you are a bit odd!)" or "Hahaha! You want mommy and daddy huh? *cracks knuckles*" or "Oh neat, mine is comming over as well" (just ideas :P )


Also, do the Academagian library sport books of fiction? And could you namedrop a few of the more famous? (regardless of the local library host these or not)

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The Academagia Library does not work with other Libraries, but there are rumors that the Acquisitions Department, ah, somethings 'borrows' rare books from them. ;)


It's rare for the family to visit (apart from the Students from Mineta), because of the distance and expense. Some of the wealthier ones, may be. I'm pretty sure we won't have visitations in Year 2, but that might be a good thing for Year 4-5. Something to interfere with your Romances...;)


I imagine that the Academagia Library would have books of 'fiction'. I can't off hand give any Titles, though. Maybe..."The Tale of Adrian Lore-Seeker", maybe? "Black Bart and the Game of Mystery?" :)

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Hehe fair enough ;)


Also :( Why do they visit whenever we don't want them to come? - reminds me of a clever saying:


Mother-in-law? Why are you standing there out in the rain? You should go home (or you might catch a fever).

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I imagine that the Academagia Library would have books of 'fiction'. I can't off hand give any Titles, though. Maybe..."The Tale of Adrian Lore-Seeker", maybe? "Black Bart and the Game of Mystery?" :)


How about a set of fox focused folk/fairy tales similar to the Reynard Cycle, written in Old Elumian or Merilien? It could be attributed to a scholar that used the nome de plume "Exfides" (Old Elumian is supposed to be the setting's analog of Latin, right?).


Oh and if this does make it in game, it's no substitute for the fox familiar I'm still waiting on...;)

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>.> One of the character's I'm making has a fox familiar.


I wish familiar descriptions showed up in game, just so I could note how horribly jealous everyone is because, dang it, fox familiars are just so rare and everyone wants one. :( /wants a fox familiar, too



If someone doesn't get in the Academagia one year, can they apply the next if they're of age? (Such as a student applying at 11, then again at 12, and then hey, at 13.)


Around how many professors teach full time at the Academagia? Not looking at an exact, just if it's more 50 or more 100 or more 300, la de da (and not concerned about other non-teaching staff, like cooks or gardeners).


What are the rules on common-rooms? Other students allowed in them or not? What about when it comes to dormrooms? I assume students are not supposed to have members of the opposite sex, but could a girl from Aranaz invite her friend from Avila in to her room with little risk? How about inviting one of the other Aranaz girls she's not rooming with?


Any other students of Monteon-ish descent besides Noemia? (Joana?)


Does Alesfan map to a specific African country, or is it just a general 'Victorian ideal of Africa'?


Is there anywhere that would be similar to the Ottoman Empire (or Turkey and/or the Balkans and/or Greece)?

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