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A few in game questions


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She probably is not limited to one pillar and I agree that she's closer to an omni disciplinarian than most. Her profile states she's an all-round magician. I feel that her abilities tend more toward what remains of her training in spying. Look up the corner Sight spell. I bet her spellcasting is more geared to casting spells like that. Whether she remembers it or not. I kind of doubt she knows any magic that goes beyond what is needed to cast spy-spells.

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Speaking of which:


1. No comment.
2. Assuming a "respectable wizard" is defined as someone with passing command of each of the Pillars... well, we're not sure anybody knows authoritatively who the oldest person to achieve that status would be. One famous contender would be Bridie Montquine, a great-grandmother in 14th century Quinet who had to pass through a maze called the Jester's City to find and rescue her three youngest descendants; a pixie arsonist (don't ask) secretly taught her the spells she needed to pass every challenge as she went, in exchange for keys to each of the chains that kept the pixie from flying. Bridie went on to live to 130, and actually became something of a scourge to the local bandit population.
3. Yes. Oh, yes. Actually, Gates magic - as it existed at its height - was heavily influenced by the pioneering work done by one such mage - a 6th century hermit named Desireo Clafi.
4A/B. It doesn't happen often, but it happens more often than it should; there's actually a decent chance that artifacts (particularly [redacted]) find their way back to the Academy over and over again. Or else the Academagia itself brings them close. That said, if you hear a rumor and can't verify it, it's unlikely to be true. [unless, of course, the rumors concern someone like the main character, or Aaran Ledale, or a handful of others. Sometimes the stars just pick certain kids to live interesting lives - and those kids usually end up with reputations that make it all seem credible.] That said, Minetan society is extremely litigious, and even Aaran could sue and stand a chance of making some money (if done carefully).
5. Vernin has several, and they would be available for a fee (or for free to students inside the College). Von Rupprecht does not approve.
6. Aventyrare would probably be thrilled. She would probably also immediately be taken aside by Briardi and Piaxenza and told not to encourage young students in potentially dangerous foolishness. Hypothetically, if your Relationship with her were maxed out, she'd probably consider it anyway... but since we don't have the systems in place, let's call that a dazzling hypothetical. ;)
7. The professors are terrible gossips, apart from the ones who are quietly plotting. Rest assured, your efforts would be common knowledge.
8. To some extent. That said, both College Durand and the Imperial Gardens of old did absolutely amazing things with Revision in order to restore endangered or even extinct flora; if any desiccated samples remained, they were restored to health long enough to germinate and to some degree replenish themselves. If anything, botanical stockpiles actually suffer from too much "false" variation - it can be hard to tell which types of plant are more or less true to their ancestral origins and which are chimaera created by Gates experimentation.
9. Any common undead, at least. An ancient wizard reanimating her own corpse in the future through a series of carefully constructed Astrology spells could probably beat the system. And, yeah, the red lights only offer warning within a one to four square mile area, as a general rule; not super-helpful when [redacted].
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If the team is in a mood to answer questions then let me put my old block of questions up again ^^


1) How do the player get to the Forest of Broken Pines after the adventure is over? (I just wonder why the Legate had to use gate magic in the adventure when we easy can visit it as 1 timeslot action later and i.e. in the stormy dreams they had Griffon ready in minutes.)


2) Could you forward the guideline for year 2 NPC students with new games or send me some example year 2 Avila how they would look with a new game?


3) How many people graduate from Esteban Contu's school each year?


4) Ode to Pluiete Adventure 03 Where do the desks come from for the success and failure exits when in the text before you where in a hallway with dropping floor blocks?


5) Will we allowed to start as non human race in one of the years to come?


6) How close is it planed to allow player to come to the Vernin build master of old in the 5 years?


7) How many 5th year is a regent supervising each year?


8) How many 5th year is Orso Orsi supervising in average each year?


9) How many 5th year take a supervisor outside of Academagia each year in average and will this a option for our 5th year as well?


10) Are current more taking outside supervisor for the 5th year because Godina and Vernin have a Regent that is not well suited for this job?


11) Can you share some of the more famous persons that regular agree to supervise 5th year students but not belong to Academagia?

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Too Late. :)


My [redacted] Backup!


1. Honestly, to some degree it depends on the Backgrounds chosen. If you're an Incantation prodigy who's descended from royalty and every mirror in your family estate shattered at the moment of your birth, then College Vernin was probably out to recruit you before you could talk. If you're a bad luck magnet born to a family of air pirates, you got your invitation at the last possible moment the overall story will allow - and you probably got the hawker's flu at the same time.

2. Assuming a "respectable wizard" is defined as someone with passing command of each of the Pillars... well, I'm not sure anybody knows authoritatively who the oldest person to achieve that status would be. One famous contender would be Bridie Montquine, a great-grandmother in 14th century Quinet who had to pass through a maze called the Jester's City to find and rescue her three youngest descendants; a pixie arsonist (don't ask) secretly taught her the spells she needed to pass every challenge as she went, in exchange for keys to each of the chains that kept the pixie from flying. Bridie went on to live to 130, and actually became something of a scourge to the local bandit population.

3. Yes. Oh, yes. Actually, Gates magic - as it existed at its height - was heavily influenced by the pioneering work done by one such mage - a 6th century hermit named Desireo Clafi.

4A/B. It doesn't happen often, but it happens more often than it should; there's actually a decent chance that artifacts (particularly abominations like Diavesque the Living) find their way back to the Academy over and over again. Or else the Academagia itself brings them close. That said, if you hear a rumor and can't verify it, it's unlikely to be true. [unless, of course, the rumors concern someone like the main character, or Aaran Ledale, or a handful of others. Sometimes the stars just pick certain kids to live interesting lives - and those kids usually end up with reputations that make it all seem credible.] That said, Minetan society is extremely litigious, and even Aaran could sue and stand a chance of making some money (if done carefully).

5. Vernin has several, and they would be available for a fee (or for free to students inside the College). Von Rupprecht does not approve.

6. Aventyrare would probably be thrilled. She would probably also immediately be taken aside by Briardi and Piaxenza and told not to encourage young students in potentially dangerous foolishness. Hypothetically, if your Relationship with her were maxed out, she'd probably consider it anyway... but since we don't have the systems in place, let's call that a dazzling hypothetical. ;)

7. The professors are terrible gossips, apart from the ones who are quietly plotting. Rest assured, your efforts would be common knowledge.

8. To some extent. That said, both College Durand and the Imperial Gardens of old did absolutely amazing things with Revision in order to restore endangered or even extinct flora; if any desiccated samples remained, they were restored to health long enough to germinate and to some degree replenish themselves. If anything, botanical stockpiles actually suffer from too much "false" variation - it can be hard to tell which types of plant are more or less true to their ancestral origins and which are chimaera created by Gates experimentation.

9. Any common undead, at least. An ancient wizard reanimating her own corpse in the future through a series of carefully constructed Astrology spells could probably beat the system. And, yeah, the red lights only offer warning within a one to four square mile area, as a general rule; not super-helpful when vampirism is spreading like mad.

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I don't understand how you could be in trouble for that level of openess, Legate! maybe, MAYBE that bit about Diavesque, but it's not like it's a huge surprise either.


Sorry Schwarzbart, I think I accidentally bullied the Legate!

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Well, I couldn't let that info be lost due to an edit, so I hope you understand why I made sure it wasn't lost to time! :)


Anyway, it does make me wonder why wanting to be an omni-disciplinarian would be considered "potentially dangerous foolishness" But I suppose that's a question for a later time.

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Well, that gives rise to a whole bunch of questions. :blink:


Still, I guess they have their reasons. A little bit curious to me why they would develop a response to a question yet decide not to release the response. But I suppose they have their own system for doing things.

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Considering that Diavesque is apparently seeking an innocent and curious, yet pliable child to sucker into a deal with the devil, and can teleport of it's own volition, that...really shouldn't have come as a surprise, in hindsight. The first answer likewise should have been filed under "common sense", yet it was completely redacted. My theory is that in the first example Vernin might still be out to recruit you, even if you went with Godina, and that brings complications come Y2. Maybe. I don't have a better theory as for why it'd be hit with the redacted train.


Vampirism spreading like mad, eh? Is that relative to the amount of infections people were used to (meaning that "spreading like mad" can still be something like 20 infections per year...in a million+ population city) or is Mineta soon going to earn the moniker of "The Nocturnal City"?

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Aaaand here you go!

1) You'll note that Orso says something cryptic about the "usual lines of communication" between Broken Pines and Mineta. The Castle of a Thousand Torches, in Broken Pines, is on one of a handful of surviving old Imperial caravansarai routes - which means that the Captain's "mail" carriages can go to and fro at obscene speeds when the roads are clear. With the Duke's permission, the main character basically hitches a ride.

2) I am instructed to laugh menacingly. ;)

3) The school doesn't offer degrees in the same sense the Academagia does; Contu never incorporated it under the Imperial system (which, of course, was modeled on the Academagia - and which at the time was designed to funnel the best, brightest, and richest students from around the Empire into Mineta), and in a very real sense people don't graduate out - they just stop showing up for lessons when they don't feel like they have anything to learn. The closest they come is issuing "Journeying Papers" to students who have lived on the premises, and are now ready to go out in the world and represent the school in some way, shape or form. Eleven sets of those papers are handed out in any given year.

4) You dive out of the hallway and into a classroom around a third of the way through the Main Text.

5) Too many adventures presume, implicitly or explicitly, that you're human. Spinoff games, though...? :)

6) No comment.
7) It depends on the Regent's own course load, as well as other contractual (and, frankly, political) obligations. It's usually somewhere between one and three, though some Regents try to take more - and many of them become deeply involved in attaching other students to mentors from outside the school.


He's very good at squirming out of this kind of thing. Not necessarily every year, but certainly first year. :)

9) Usually just one, unless a College (typically Vernin or Avila) arranges for some kind of stipend to accompany the extra students. [There is an exception if the 5th year students work with officers in the Guard, which has been known to happen - particularly in times of war or unrest.]

10) Vernin, yes - sometimes the students' parents seek out their own chosen mentors and just have the College sign off; nobody's feelings are hurt. Godina? Um... let's just say that the Regent there encourages fifth years to incorporate certain athletic pursuits to their advanced studies. ;)

11) It's rather famous how the Duchess of Thevre trains and grooms wizards that will go on to administer her justice around the duchy - she gets elite mages, and she knows they're personally loyal to her rather than to the local viscounts and lordlings that would rather their own regions be handled... more passively.
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Sounds like bad news for musicians attending Godina. Or does Massioti not care that much for students that obviously aren't aiming for or would be worth much on a Rimbal team, like, say, Katja?


Also, what elixir of life has the Team discovered to make spin-off games exist before people are done dying off of old age while waiting for the main games :rolleyes:.

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On #8, If a student had their mind set on getting Orsi to be a supervisor to them for their 5th year, would that require spending a good chunk of the 4th year closing all the loopholes he normally uses to squirm out of it... And raising relationship with him, too, to make it slightly less likely he'll look for new excuses to not do it?

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