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A few in game questions


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He did have Orsi's picture, but you should note *OUR* Legate is "technically" the Legate of Mineta, whereas Orsi is the Legate of the Academagia.


(I personally think it's because the account was created a long time before the game actually released.)

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I hope people are not feeling too devastated by the election. :(


If you're referring to the American Election, then No, I am not devastated that a lying, corrupt witch failed to become President of the US. Another Clinton Administration would be unthinkable.


Not saying I'm a fan of Trump or anything, (I voted for Johnson) but I am convinced that despite his failings, he's not treacherous communist scum, which makes him an improvement over her (and Obama) by default. And that's ALL I'm going to say. Because If I don't stop here, I won't stop.

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If you're referring to the American Election, then No, I am not devastated that a lying, corrupt witch failed to become President of the US. Another Clinton Administration would be unthinkable.


Not saying I'm a fan of Trump or anything, (I voted for Johnson) but I am convinced that despite his failings, he's not treacherous communist scum, which makes him an improvement over her (and Obama) by default. And that's ALL I'm going to say. Because If I don't stop here, I won't stop.


Communism itself isn't a bad idea, so there's nothing wrong at all with someone being a communist. It's the way how some systems that called themselves communist, but were actually totalitarian and/or police states, were wrong. So by trying to denigrate or insult someone by saying they are a communist, you are just simply being discriminatory, whether you disagree with communism itself or think she's in league with the post-Iron Curtain countries and are against it (if it's the latter hatred of post-Soviet countries, don't forget that Russia's politicians cheered that Trump won).


And stop trying to shame witches, as someone who attends an imaginary school for wizards and witches you should know better than that.

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Look on the plus side Metis, it's an actual date.

It is a date I suppose, just...these constant delays are getting draining. Speaking of, what's the latest occasion? Did the November art piece get delayed?


Oh, that's very much what I'm curious about. A list, something like:


People of Mineta think:


College X thinks:


College M thinks:


College Y thinks:

I don't think any given group is single-minded enough to give a singular opinion which applies to all members of said group. Even College Aranaz is sure to have it's rebels. Same with(in) College Durand itself.

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Communism itself isn't a bad idea, so there's nothing wrong at all with someone being a communist. It's the way how some systems that called themselves communist, but were actually totalitarian and/or police states, were wrong. So by trying to denigrate or insult someone by saying they are a communist, you are just simply being discriminatory, whether you disagree with communism itself or think she's in league with the post-Iron Curtain countries and are against it (if it's the latter hatred of post-Soviet countries, don't forget that Russia's politicians cheered that Trump won).


And stop trying to shame witches, as someone who attends an imaginary school for wizards and witches you should know better than that.

I'm not going to fully respond. I just won't. I want to, but, no.



Anyway, the term 'witch' traditionally has negative connotations. Even in setting, I expect it's used less flatteringly, and besides there is a big difference between real life and make-believe.

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