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A few in game questions


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1. Do different gemstones have different magical qualities/attributes?


Yes, but it's not specific to gemstones. Any material has different magical qualities and attributes.


2. Steam powered airships, how do they move? Since air is much less dense than water, I am envisioning one gigantic propeller maybe twice or even triple the size of the ship. Is this correct?


They have several different steam turbines which turn propellers. The very largest of these ships have redundant booms with many different propellers set on them.


3. Are there magics for recording events for playback (I'm thinking like a glammour holo recording)


Yes, it's possible. :)


4. Given the dangers of water, and creatures that live in them, and the fear of running water, do people use regular boats at all when they might be useful? (say, fishing in a lake.)


Locals, yes, but it's by no means a common skill.


5. Which would be easier to change the taste of something really bland? Revision or glammour? (just whatever helps get it down the hatch.)


Glamour is the easiest of the two, just for 'down the hatch' purposes. :)

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1. After casting several spells in succession, I assume a person becomes fatigued. if so, is it a more physical or mental exhaustion?


2. Is there a way to manipulate shadows?


3. Have lightning rods been invented?


4. Can a person create voodoo dolls?


5. I know a person can levitate by manipulating wind, but what about a more direct telekinesis?

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1. After casting several spells in succession, I assume a person becomes fatigued. if so, is it a more physical or mental exhaustion?


Both; the mental stamina necessary to cast a Spell is equal to the physical stamina needed to trace the Phemes with precision.


2. Is there a way to manipulate shadows?




3. Have lightning rods been invented?


No, not really. Lightning is generally handled by magical collectors which most towns purchase and install.


4. Can a person create voodoo dolls?




5. I know a person can levitate by manipulating wind, but what about a more direct telekinesis?


Yes, it is possible via a complex Spell pairing of Incantation and Negation.

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I was curious, the religion in Academagia seems rather forgiving compared to our own at the given time, so are there any religious quarrels? People spreading the word of Saint SorryImayhaveforgottenhernameagainpleasedontkillme. Or are they a bit more laid back? They will come to realize our wisdom with time, no need for all that moving about and dirtying our robes.


Also, in the spirit of religion:

Astrology is a magic branch tied to the old gods if I understood it properly, can non-humans then use divination?

I believe it was mentioned that Dragons couldn't (or didn't...) does this suggest that Astrology isn't as easy as the other magic arts then, that you have to be attuned somehow? Or human?

That is a fascinating thought, were the old gods considered human?


Has there ever been any (air)navy battles?

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There is a great deal of friction between various sects and denominations, but right now the greatest source of tension is with the Republic of Pievre, which has established the worship of human principles, in particular 'Genius'.


The Old Gods were never considered human, although in myth they did live on Cyve ages ago. Dragons do not use Astrology as the Old Gods are/were their enemies. It's unknown if they *could*.


There have been many, many air navy battles; even on land battles (low draft) navies tend to take part, although not usually directly over head to the dangers to their volnauge keels.

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So, to clarify, faeries and satyr (and other) could use astrology if they were so inclined?


Malecresta is possibly the most knowledgeable on the subject (in our year) I think - if asked where he thought the old gods were today, what might he respond? (Other than the usual "why are you even talking to me dork?!")

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I'm having trouble with this, let me see if I got this right.


Normally, an airship is not made completely out of volnauge? It's ususally just the keel and frame on a normal airship? With some regular hardwood for the rest?


And in an iron-clad, the weight is greater, so then more of the ship, like the hull itself is made of volnauge as well?


And speaking of weight, what do airships use for ballast?

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You are right- usually just the Keel on a standard airship, with the remainder being regular wood. On armored airships they often use multiple keels, and the volnauge is taken from the very highest elevation groves in Elumia, which further drives up the cost. The reason for this is that volnauge naturally floats at the same level as where it was cut- correspondingly, high elevation groves are in high demand because the volnauge can take more weight before it sinks below any usable height.


Airships use cargo as ballast, since it's rare for them to control elevation outside of dock. In need, though, anything can be used to take on extra weight.

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