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Its not about going to Academagica during the summerbreak but about to go the other schools/academys that teach Magic.

Also haven't you stated that most of the player chars will stay at Mineta? So even going to the Academagica would't be so strange if it isn't complet closed.


Oh and a other Suggestion: How about the player can turn in a Favor for some Teaching lessons during the Summerbreak?


Edit: Can we get a new Modbase this month no mather if you manage to release DLC 15 or not? I just waiting for the Modbase release to start a new game ^^.

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Yea but it probably will take 10 RL years or longer till we finaly can play Y5. Dont know if by then I still like to play this kind of games but right now I absolut would like to play trough all 5 years ;).

Hopefull it will be possible to play all 5 years on the same computer when finaly the last part is released.

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Yes thats what I was asking for or a small icon in one of the corner that easy can turn on/off the music.


Suggestion for a 0 Point new Background:


Your parent care for your uprissing and decided to payed also the tuition for Esteban Contu’s School of Incantation but expect from you that you visit it in you spare time.

Sadly it also means they don't pay you the usual 50 pim allowance other wealthy parents would pay.


-50 Parental Approval

Add memory Contu School of Incantation: Tuition paid!

Add Visitaion Rights Contu's School of Incantation

Learn about Contu's School of Incantation




Station: Wealthy


Reason for 0 points even with a huge starting advance the player have to pay for it with 50 pims less each 14 days in the long run and Maybe even reduce the 200 pims the player get at start.



It might just me but the 10% Chance of getting a Attribute i.e. from Run a potential crippling training route are a bad thing for the game over all because it let some player like me try to get it in one call of this ability and reload so long till it success and if it not success within like 10-15 reloads one start to lose the interest in the game.

I think it would be much bether to set a much higher chance (at last 25%) but with the limitation that the char can only get the Attribute once.


Edit2: Can the "Train at Schohanwicht School" become the Requirment that the char must have at last 2 Vitality to use it because I find it strange that you can use this even when you drop to 0 vitality (especial paired with a rest at the end of the day what resoult you don't have to lay down the next day)


Edit3: Random Event - First Calligraphy is kind of strange to get it the week bevore Midterm Exams so I sugest to give it a high chance of triger but restrict it to the first week or so.

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Cool Background! I'll forward that to the Team.


Your suggestion about Attribute gains on Abilities is a good one, although I don't think we'll make any changes in Year 1 to this, specifically. Still, not a bad idea to control Attribute inflation for Players who really love to save/reload. ;)


Your point about Schohanwicht is a very good one, actually- I'll pass that along!


For the Random Events, this kind of situational Event will probably only be corrected in Year 2, where we have more control over when and how a specific Event fires. It's a good thought, though. :)

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It would be nice that when there are roles with a difficulty of 14 or more in Adventures or Events Rolls that the reward is something different then a +X to the skill the roll is based on.

My Request is because usual for rolls of higher difficulty the skill is most liekly already maxed and so the bonus for making this difficult roll is wasted.


Edit 1:

For the Adventure "The Committee of un-Academagia Activities" (Aranaz Adventure 07) I think a Bureaucracy + Forgery Exit would be nice where Cinzia Ammacapani is requested to see a office in the city at the time.

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Familiar Bond Adventure Porcupine 2 should be direct linked with step 3 because its on the same day from the text or complet rewrite the text of step 2 that it is some days bevore the fair.

Familiar Bond Adventure Porcupine 3 Exit 2 & Exit 3 are eiter missing the Roll or have a useless Failure paths acording to Moddb 3

Familiar Bond Adventure Porcupine 3 should also direct link to Familiar Bond Adventure Porcupine [Neutral] 1 and Familiar Bond Adventure Porcupine [Good] 1 because they are also on the day of the fair.

Over all I think the complet adventure should put up to a rework to follow more the curent standarts.

(I didn' look past this steps but I'm sure that there more steps that would be on the same day from the story but need each a seperate Adventure call)

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After I found the 3. missing roll In old parts of the game I think it would be good if the mod tool of year 2 check automatic on save or compiling that when there is a Success and a Failure Text that ther also must be a assotiated Roll. This kind of mistakes just happen because we all are just human but are next to imposible to find if not a other person double check everything (the player are usual just happy to have a green option without thinking much that it isn't intended this way).

Maybe if your using a similiar system for the secret project it could be usefull to check this there also if not already to late.

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I don't know if the bug with multiple Orderes in the Catalog is fixed by now but if not I would suggest to reduce the delivery time to 2-5 days.

But even if it works without problems by now I would suggest to reduce the delivery to max 7 day (and maybe reduce the min time to 3 or 4 days) because 10 days is simply to long of a wait.


Edit: The Violin "Maestringer" is a Hand item instead of a Musical Instrument.

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