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A few in game questions


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Free & Schwarzbart;


1. In a hypothetical scenario where someone from the surface of Cyve showed up using Gates magic, would that person be allowed to attempt to return using the same? Would said person be in trouble for just showing up? (In other words, is the law 'absolute' without considerations for extreme situations?)

It's never happened before, so it would certainly be sensational- the answer would likely depend on all parties involved.

2. What is the status of artwork depicting nude people? Would you say that it is similar to renaissance Europe? Or more conservative/liberal? Are models employed for such in art classes etc etc.? And do the nobility have differing ideas about that than the masses?

Roughly similar to Renaissance Europe in terms of mores of the various classes.

3. When the proscribed arts were legal, would you say that Gates was described as a useful weapon against the dragons? Or not especially so compared to the other pillars?

Surviving accounts seem to indicate it was primarily used to facilitate travel and provide support against draconic armies.

4. Are flying shipwrecks still a common occurence around Monteon? Or have they mostly been destroyed/salvaged/run aground? What about further away?

They are still a common hazard to that form of travel, regardless of where you are. Monteon is, of course, especially hazardous to travel.

5. You've mentioned that Dragons could hypothetically launch an invasion using more conventional routes than the still fairly well defended current of embers. If an invasion of that type was done, would the people of Elumia at least be able to get the news out before the invasion hit the territories of the former Empire proper?

It's happened before, and the answer is likely a yes.

6. Is it known as to what the source of the current of embers is? Are there any other phenomenon like it?

Nothing is known of its source, and in terms of its constancy, there are no others similar.

7. Does it rain often enough on the islands of Elumia to cause flooding during non-magical instances? Do the islands get roughly equal amount of rain? And does rain tend to fall mostly on the sides of islands? (Leaving the centers of large masses like meril fairly dry?)

Yes, flooding can happen. The islands definitely vary in terms of rain and season. Rain tends to fall as it does on the surface: higher elevations receive more. Coastal areas do tend to be wetter on average, however.

8. If a person stole all the good luck from a rival, and replaced it with a tremendous amount of bad luck, and then the rival died from some fluke event, would that be considered murder?

Yes. :)

9. What happened to the Monsters in the menagerie when Gates was banned? You've mentioned that there are still signs of mighty beasts there if you look hard enough. Were they killed outright? Even if they were fairly benevolent and peaceful? Or were they kept and just died off of natural causes, and not replaced for obvious reasons?

[Redacted] :)

10. In future years, will some regents try to impose their desires on the more successful students? If I choose to not undergo anything more than the bare minimum of Orthography classes, will I have to appease von Rupprecht? Or even other professors who feel that the PC should focus on a specific set of subjects according to societal uses?

Like someone in Avila, for instance? Sure. :)

11. Since a lot of advanced magical studies will require proving to the regent in charge of a given field that you are worthy of consideration in said field, (especially if you are not of the college which heads the field you wish to study) I was wondering if trading in Favor would work for that? Maybe not for the highest levels of study, but if you've taken courses in that pillar too surely it would be sufficient for access to mid-level workshops?

Because their prestige and time are also involved, usually a favor isn't enough: you will need to demonstrate competency. Otherwise, yes. :)

12) Will the registration for year 2 class take 1 timeslot or more? Also is now know if we can do this before departure for the summer break?

Two timeslots, and I think you can only do it upon your return.

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Sure...if the bridge seemed real enough... ;)


Real enough to who? The one crossing it? The one casting it? If Schwarzbart made the bridge but only I believe it is true, will I fall through? Is this a sufficient topic for me to write an essay on for extra Glamour credits?

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1. If one accidentally walked in on a bunch of evil wizards doing some ritual casting, and needed to stop it ASAP, what would be the best way to do so?


2. Even if a Familiar isn't capable of speech, do many of them develop ways of communication outside of speech?


3. What was the last dragon to rule in what is now Elumia?

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That makes me wonder if the dragons consider that a dragon is still ruling Elumia...


Sure, the usurpers may be in power currently, but Dreadshadow Jr. the Second is the rightful king in those parts... we are just waiting for a good time to strike and reclaim what is ours.

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Was there ever a student who managed to graduate at the 5th year but never took one of the core magic classes (Astrology, Negation, Glamour, Revision, Incantation, Gate & Mastery) at Academagia?


How close is it planed to allow player to come to the Vernin build master of old in the 5 years?


Is it planed to allow a player to graduate at the 5th year who learned all kind of magic but mastered non?

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Sorry I don't understand which of my 2 non Vernin quests you answered.


1) Was there ever a student who managed to graduate at the 5th year but never took one of the core magic classes (Astrology, Negation, Glamour, Revision, Incantation, Gate & Mastery) at Academagia? Maybe you even can give a date when it happened the last time.


2) Is it planed to allow a player to graduate at the 5th year who learned all kind of magic but mastered none?

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I put all questions of this page waiting for a team answer in one post. I hope the Legate don't mind I pot them together:


1) Somewhere I read that there was a wuxia game mentioned as inspiration for Academagia what game was this?


2) What was the last dragon to rule in what is now Elumia?


3) How close is it planed to allow player to come to the Vernin build master of old in the 5 years?


4) Is it planed to allow a player to graduate at the 5th year who learned all kind of magic but mastered none?


Now some new question:


5) What are the shipyards with the most renown and where are they located?


6) Going back to a old question, so someone with The Secret Background then have not many choices about the family in year 2?

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