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A few in game questions


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Hey Legate, can the magical aura of wizards also interfere with spellcasting? You've said that it makes it easier for the person who has the aura, but if a 1st year was trying to cast in a room of professors, would there be a problem?

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1) at what year will the game offer such crazy options like clone doubles or time manipulation to get everything in one day what the player have to do then? (like when the player is so crazy taking extra class, is student at Schoanwitch and also have to do things for secret groups) ;)


2) Will we get more options in Y2 what we can do in a class timeslot the more the Professor like us?

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1) at what year will the game offer such crazy options like clone doubles or time manipulation to get everything in one day what the player have to do then? (like when the player is so crazy taking extra class, is student at Schoanwitch and also have to do things for secret groups) ;)


1) No comment!

2) Will we get more options in Y2 what we can do in a class timeslot the more the Professor like us?


2) Kind of, yes.




Well, what Metis wrote. :)

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Well, Flore may have her issues, but I think she's a better person overall, and the fact that her family backs the Captain suggests that it runs in the blood.


If she picks on you, you probably deserve it anyway.


Oh, and Legate, about the Y2 Templates for non-imported Players, You said they won't appear in game if we import, but in the wider story, their families still exist, right?

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So what you are saying is that our current character is the prime universe while the rest of our alts are part of the multiverse?

That said though, How well regarded are philosophers even if they are annoying?, like Socrates annoying

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The only thing a professor is going to call you on if, during a Duel, you hack away at your rival with a broadsword until he's lost conciousness from blood loss, is the fact that using something other than your wand and magic during a Duel is considered bad form.


The Academagia has...really loose standards when it comes to how the kids behave, let's just say that...

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I think it's a combination of not wanting to shelter the kids for things that go on in the adult wizard world, and also a matter of common sense being expected when going into a duel.


Plus magic is apparently very handy for healing wounds that would otherwise be very deadly. :)

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The only thing a professor is going to call you on if, during a Duel, you hack away at your rival with a broadsword until he's lost conciousness from blood loss, is the fact that using something other than your wand and magic during a Duel is considered bad form.


The Academagia has...really loose standards when it comes to how the kids behave, let's just say that...


Hacking away with sharp objects LOOKS more murderous than acceptable behavior of glowy puff of smoke. Or Adava Kedavra.

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