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General Victory Belles Questions Thread


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Are you allowed to tell us how belles will be released, Legate? Specifically, will we get them as they're commissioned, or in large updates? All the '39 belles are coming out with the release, this we know. However, will Willie Dee, for example be released in January 2021 (in-game July 1943, if my math is correct) and New Jersey in November 2020, or will all the 1943 belles be released at once to be acquired at the players leisure?

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Are there going to be any heterochromia Belles? Because Ive always been a sucker for any character that had two different eye colors...


And is there going to be any mechanics around remodeling/upgrading Belles? Sorry if this was asked but as I started to think about how with how many differing ships got upgrades to match how the war was going, is this going to to affect the Belles and if they do will they change the Belles looks/art? (This is more of a question about upgrades the Belles may receive throughout the war since remodels I believe would get different art so that brings up the question would upgrades be through equipment?)

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I have no idea about that- but it is pretty cool to have different eye colors. :)


Yes, you can Upgrade your Belles, although we haven't had an Update to explain how you do that yet. I don't think they will change art, although I suppose they could if they wanted to set it up that way.


The remodels would definitely be prime candidates for alternate costumes, yes. :)

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Given that some nations where special unlocked as higher backer tier rewards are there already plans how they will be handled for the free to play user?

Are they cash shop items or are they unlocked playing the game and to use them the player have to start over after unlocking to play them? Maybe even both?

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Hey Legate,


Not sure if this has been answered, though it probably has, but how much voice acting is involved for each character? I imagine that it is mainly the 'battle lines', maybe some lines in the menu etc but not all of their dialogue? Assuming this is the case, how will longer dialogue pieces (if any) be handled? Is it going to be silent? Or is it going to involve like maybe short words, or vocal sounds like laughter, grumbling, anger, shocked noises etc .The only example that pops to my mind is Fire Emblem, but I know it has been done like this in many older games due to system space limitations.

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Well, I think in general it wouldn't matter console or web- it would be great to have every line spoken. But when you are dealing with, ultimately, ~10k words on a single path in '39...it just seems wildly improbable. :)


Maybe we could run a second kickstarter after launch for full voiceover on PC/consoles?

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