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A few in game questions


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Oh, well~.


I guess I just have to wait until Y5 to reveal that I've mastered all of the pillars! Right at Graduation.


Then it would turn into a game of running from the law as a magical fugitive, perhaps also doing good things on the side whilst looking for a one armed man. A different game altogether.


..But it would be cool. :)

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I don't think so, no- that kind of thing is analogous to the support the first sons and daughters of royalty might receive. That would be a different game altogether, where you are groomed for the Court and the Realm.


...but that would be cool. :)

Uhmm and there I though that Flore Yveuillet is a exception in a royal heir geting educated in magic?! Now it looks more like that she is a exception but actual on the lower end of magic education for her status?!
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Legate, can you expound a little bit on the Regents of the colleges, as well as their personalities in dealing with students from other colleges? The Game lores give a pretty good feel on them for dealing with their own students Tell me if I'm particularly off on my guesses.


Like I imagine Von Rupprecht playing up being very magnanimous but being very patronizing for students of other colleges, unless they were from Durand, in which case.... Detention for the slightest misstep! :) I expect that he wheels and deals with a handful of students of other colleges too.... Even if he'd deny it.


Briardi probably sees all of the Academy's students as her own in some form or other, but would of course be wary of the never-ending intrigue coming from Aranaz....Which is probably the source of about 80% of her migraines. (Another 10% being Lambert Cobo haha! The final 10% would probably be from the Legate himself! )


Massioti probably doesn't even focus on his own students unless they're involved in Rimbal in some way, haha! I'm sure he'd help anyone if he reasonably could though. And I'm sure he knows enough about his College to at least answer questions.


Storey is an enigma to me. Morvidus just doesn't stand out overall as a college like the other ones do. I understand that he is a bit of a hardcase and paranoid, which no doubt would be worse when dealing with students not belonging to him.


Giovanni, I suspect, would be more an administrator, and probably wouldn't be very reliable doing anything outside of the reason why he was chosen for the job in the first place. He probably has some hidden depths, and depending on what those were, it would probably influence his dealings with outside students more than what we know about him.


Piaxenza is a Reasonable Authority Figure, and as such, is probably the go to guy for issues which he is known to solve, and with the added bonus of not being as hard to locate as those mystical Legates who just pop up from time to time. So long as you aren't wasting his time I think I read that he has an open door policy, which is pretty swell of him.


And Badcrumble, well, I suppose she doesn't interact much with the other students unless it's in her field, and then it would be a lesser case of where her own standards for her own students would influence how she treated any others.

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2) Do all professor we can gain relationship in year 1 have a favor table in year 2 and if not mind to share the one that drop out?

IIRC it was already confirmed that not all Y1 professors will be in Y2, at least to the degree that they have stuff like favor tables. No idea who'll be relegated to background duties, though.

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